Face to Face with Racists: Playing the Racial Double Agent Card

As a Black female, I have a question. When have you come to the realization that you are  talking to someone who is obviously a covert racist? Listening to the snide remarks and regurgitating all the racist jargon you’ve heard over the years? It’s been my experience that when this person has a sense that you have similar views, a spark and a glee ignites in their entire demeanor. An act of validation.

I am always curious as to how Arians view us in this “mixed salad” culture known as todays modern society. Everything is so “PC” that it becomes almost impossible to know where you stand with some people including yourself.

While confronting these questions and issues, it takes a  toll internally. It is a bit devastating and challenging to describe, it’s a feeling of wanting to crawl under a rock. It’s the same feeling of a knotted stomach from bad nerves. You walk away degraded, feeling lesser than, and a bit of a traitor.

I think I get the overall picture now. My days of playing undercover are over.

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