In the Dark

She closed her eyes for a moment as she stood in front of the large metal door leading out to her garage. She found herself lost in deep reflection. It’s been a habitual practice since she had recently decided to reject this way of mind as any derivative of a prayer. Prayers in her experience had become a wishlist. Continuously finding herself always wishing. It had always been her definition of conversation with her God. A conversation in her observation that was dysfunctional because of its selfish one-sided nature in dialogue. Wishing, she had come to reason, was a demand on her faith system, it thwarted in some way her ability for action. So now she reflects.  Closing her eyes and envisioning how she sees her past and her future. This brief pause she had discovered enabled her focus not only on the important things occurring in her present, but it put everything else in focus, thus increasing her ability for detached perspective. In totality, she found the real meaning of what it means to pray.  Opening her weighted downcast eyes, she prepared herself to open the door.



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