Madness and Dissent


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“Does the mark on my face repulse you?” I hissed in a blurred passion. I was sitting across one of the most indignant creatures I had recently come into acquaintance with at the local deli. Despite having first just encountered this oaf around the corner, he was sitting, now, directly across from me in an overly crowded Mc Donalds. Perched on a barstool at one of the communal tables, the tables mind you meant for people who are more or less alone and pathetically in need of a sturdy stool in an ironically non-alcoholic beverage serving, “pussy prim,” cookie cutter establishment. Clearly, I had a rather deep seated hatred for the wretched despicable oaf. All feelings granted having just accumulated in less than two hours after having met him.

He made the unfortunate decision of slighting me; it was not only his unapologetic countenance when I politely informed him of the customary proceedings in which he was to go about ordering his meat. No! It also included his misguided insisting nature, and making a mockery of my extensive knowledge in the pairing of cheese, crackers, ham, and wines. In a few words, he made me look like a fool! The Deli was a place I had come to frequent since my move in October. Adding insult to injury, he was “a Preppy,”at least, in the way of his dress and “lifestyle.” He was one of those over groomed “sensitive” types. The sort of man (if you can describe him as such) who saw wearing an overly snug, flesh clinging, black and white striped short-sleeved shirt paired with matching extra tight sperm killing jeans and pompous designer shoes with no socks, handsomely hip. Smart (arguably by today’s lax form of standards) with handsome mannerisms that endeared him to all sorts. I am inclined to think these admirers of his false airs consisted mostly women of every caliber and little old hags willing to be easily conned by such trivialities.

Fate had fucked me over in the revolving door described as my life’s work. A life lived brimming with misery and little meaning of any exposed potential, that prick, he pranced in and shat on the small blip of meaning and purpose which resided on the tip of my existence.

Forgiveness? Forgiveness I would have gladly granted had he acknowledged his faults, but he lacked such sight and ability. Therefore, I quickly came to the decision like any thrifty spender; I could simply not afford the cost.

The thought of his insincerity draped in narcissism that purveyed his entire morally murky character caused me to convulse inwardly with the urge to rid the world of such a wretch. An expulsion, necessary, and deemed by my divine sense of justice.

You see why…. don’t you? Power is an illusion created by establishments of law to control the uncontrollable, the “actions” and inherently the feelings of the individual a trickling stream to the pond, society. It is the individual who in all sanity should correctly carry out his justices. lags, Bureaucracy lingers, deliberates, its cogs stuffed with greed the corruption of a mental capacity. I carry out my law like the Everyman. Yes, it is “Everyman” that carries out this daily practice, all around us, my concept, is not new, and I would never pretend myself capable of any revolutionary ideas.

“Swift be my Blade. Swift be my justice. Swiftly be instrumental in correcting the deluded brute that denied me the little knowledge of which I was entitled.”

My fries are cold.


The big MC D. is cheap, convenient, and dead fucking cold.

The burger and fries are of no purpose to me now. Cold, “hot food”, especially of the chemically derived and enhanced variety are utterly repulsive, and the ability to attempt in digesting this already vile concoction just will not occur. I can’t eat it. I won’t eat it. A Wasteful carelessness, someone is hungry, am I to discard this out of petty dietary preference?

“Fuck me!”…… waste.

“Waste not…. want not, waste not want more…… or something else?”

Distraction! Focus is needed.

He is sitting across from me with that lurid and deceptively submissive grin. An act countering little persuasion to his cause and way of mind. There was nothing to dissuade me from my purpose. He has wronged me; it is now a simple case of cause and effect.

I will say something to him to knock that deluded smile off balance!

“Does the mark on my face repulse you?”

Ha! Success!! He looks rather shocked and confused. Perhaps, he does not understand I am speaking to him. Continuing to look a bit “out of sorts”.

“You, you from the Deli around the corner” This I said snarlingly and more assertive than I had thought possible.

“Does this disgusting thing on my face vex and repulse you?” Really? He is looking directly at me…. at least that ridiculous grin has been erased from that face. I find his vapidness to be even more infuriating than that stupid smile. Maybe the little shit is less capable than the bestowed esteem I had so graciously given in earlier thought.

“What’s on your face, man?” Blank stare. So Stupid.
Finally. He has realized the undeniable direction of my now, somehow, less impactful introduction to conflict. So “chill” and lighthearted a counter. Just as I had cogitated, pathologically incapable of any form of sincerity. This undesirable trait probably was not the poor devils doing….. that was indeed a societal problem. Unfortunate.Yes. Truly. His past is of little importance to any person with such an empty portrayal of happiness.

He was mine to corrupt and defile. Happy no longer!

A Reversal in Frame and State

Hectic and busy is my life in total summation, very little time left to leisure. I have exactly thirty minutes before I return to my bosses side like the loyal assistant that I am.

I really need my job; my partner lost his last month. The one salary household hurts if you want to live well and boy….. do we need to live well…. organic cost $$$. I simply can’t and won’t be telling Jake about my little excursion to the dreaded Mc Donalds we so ( at least publicly) disapprove. A Big Mac Large Menu, yes, absolutely dreadful, but I am genetically skinny and work out so “no problemo”. On second thought, I might not take my tank off tonight, make sure all is good and digested. Would not want to show any sign of the case of temporary gut or bloating from the foreign processed “nourishment” now consumed.

Practically finished without a trace. Chemicals can be good for you at least sometimes…., right? Hell, I literally grew up in a Burger King and lived to talk about it, escaped with insignificant defects. Happening to look up from my commercially colorful I see the man I had seen just an hour or so ago.

What a character! Ranting on and on about cheese and wine, he wouldn’t stop for a breadth, the poor guy. Initially, I thought he was a type of sale representative because of the way he went on and on about produce. I even tried to explain to him that although what he was saying was fascinating, there was little I could do to change the order, it was not mine to change. A simple errand for my boss had turned into a bit of a comical errand of an unconventional inconvenience.

“I am so telling this tonight!” I plan on sharing this with Jake tonight when he gets home from his dance class. After the torture inflicted as bi-product of his art, he always appreciates my outlandish tales, and there are so many. He also needs as much distraction since losing his job after a broken ankle last year. That injury practically turned him from a “promising talent” to an unhireable, overnight.
At the thought of his amusement and the sarcastic commentary he unfailingly delivers, I can feel a small sarcastic smile beginning to emerge.
This smile, I realize, is now mistakenly directed towards the troubled man from the deli. My carelessness has the potential of igniting another mini tantrum.

He is already staring at me. Surprisingly he is not bad looking, relatively young mid-thirties, sporting a boring, dusty brown mane of hair growing recklessly in a shag (desperately needing affection), a pair of handsome trendy black spectacles…. That’s it! Yeah…. It’s unquestionably his eyes that are so disturbing and prominent. Black and bottomless are his eyes. No better word of description other than disturbed.

Odd. Why was he wearing a black trenchcoat in such mild weather, it’s early spring? I hadn’t actually taken him in for any real assessment in the sense of character in our previous bizarre encounter. What an oddball.
I might not be able to stop myself from IM-ing Jake right now! With my fingers tingling with impatience, the action is almost irresistible.

“Does the mark on my face repulse you?” It seems the question he is asking is directed towards me or am I mistaken?

What? He does recognize me?…. I don’t think I heard him correctly…. It is obvious that he is still agitated, must be residual anger from the deli.

I should have skipped lunch….

“You, You from the deli around the corner!” His octave and mannerisms express a steady increase in hostility.

“Does this disgusting thing on my face vex and repulse you?”

I concentrated on his face as best as I could without being too obvious. There is nothing out of the ordinary on his face that jumps out as odd other than those terribly round black marbles for eyes.

“What’s on your face, man?” Wow. Now I’ve digressed to Bohemian colloquialisms. I don’t partake in conflict. That’s why Jake is perfect.

I am beginning to worry. I think Hollow eyes…. he followed me here….



Next: Plummeting Further and Farther than…..


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